How To Set Up Your New Agency For Success
The latest news from the Small Business Administration is that only 60% of new insurance agencies survive at least 2 years. Of that 60%, only 44% survive another two years. It is a fact that more small businesses fail than succeed. The two main reasons for failure are lack of planning and funding. While we can’t help with the funding part, we can offer some ideas about new business planning.
We found at least five things entrepreneurs should consider as part of their development process. We understand there are more, but this is a good start.
Understand the risks and legal issues - It is important to any new startup to understand all the legal and regulatory statutes and laws surrounding their business. Hire a good attorney to help you; it will be worth the expense. Hire a professional insurance agent to help you understand what your risks are, how to manage the risks, and how to protect yourself from the risks.
Start with a good name - Your name needs to tell the story of what your firm does. For example, if you are starting a bakery, the name “Smith Brothers” fails to tell the public what you do. Also, depending on your market, it is probably not a good idea to use a foreign language as part of your name. Keep your name simple but innovative.
Develop a marketing plan
- Who is your target market?
- What is the current competition?
- How can you fill a need?
- What strategies do you need to undertake to tell your story?
- What are the costs of doing business?
Seek out mentors and advisors- Whether your mentor provides pointers on business strategy, helps you bolster your networking efforts, or acts as a confidant, it is good to have someone on your team. Hire a competent attorney, insurance agent, accountant and payroll HR/firm
Good luck and call us with any questions so we can help you achieve your goals!