We believe without question that insurance is a noble profession. Our reason for this is that the purpose of insurance is to protect society, businesses, and individuals from financial loss and to help them recover when loss or damage occurs.
Google defines “noble” as having, or showing, fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.
"The promotion of human rights was a noble aspiration." Synonyms for noble are righteous, virtuous, good, honorable, upright, decent, worthy, moral, ethical, and reputable.
One reason people may question the virtue of the insurance industry is a result of Madison Avenue’s approach to promoting insurance. Advertisers have turned insurance into a price-driven commodity that implies anyone can obtain online insurance in 5 to 10 minutes. Advertisers tend to show extremes to get more views and sales. However, the truth is that a professional insurance agent has the opportunity to provide an honorable, decent, worthy, and ethical service to his or her clients. Here is why:
- Agents offer protection to businesses and families.
- The agent’s top concern should be to behave in a moral and ethical way.
- A good agent helps sustain the economy through providing financial resources that many could not afford on their own.
- Agents help businesses and families understand risks and offer very cost effective ways to manage their risk. For example, a business that owns a $10,000,000 building does not have the financial resources to fund a total loss. However, an insurance policy costing $1,200 per year allows the business to grow and expand with limited risk.
- We help build social equality through insurance that is affordable and available to everyone.
- Society and economic conditions are constantly changing. A professional insurance agent must change and update his or her skills regularly. Agents are required to take continuing education in order to keep their licensing current. This benefits society through agents offering new services to meet the needs of their clients.
It is a noble profession that helps people!