There are so many different ways to buy personal insurance. You can purchase personal insurance online, from a captive agent, or from an independent agent like us. The idea of insurance being a promise may be new to many people, but not to us. The basic concept of insurance being a promise is that you pay an insurance company, and they in turn promise to settle your claim should you have one. That is why it is essential to choose your agent and insurer with care.
There Are Differences
A Captive Agent – The individual insurance company pays these agents. They get their direction from, and are controlled by, that insurance company. This kind of agent may have a hard time keeping their promises, as they are at the will of their employer.
Online Insurance – It can be effortless not to keep your promises when you never really know your client. Unfortunately, that is what many online insures are like. When you never have to meet the policyholder, you do not always do what is in the best interest of the policyholder.
An Independent Agent – Independent agents represent many different insurance companies. We live and work in your community, and we have an obligation, and desire, to keep our promises. We work hard to build your trust by providing you with the best possible combination of coverage, price, and service. We always place your personal insurance with an insurer who has a proven record of accomplishment of keeping their promises.
There are many ways we help our clients with their personal insurance, while keeping our promises. These can be broken down into the following:
We place your personal insurance with the right companies. We understand that not all insurance companies are alike. Some companies have great rates on motorcycles, while others offer competitive rates on homeowner or renter’s insurance. We have many years of experience, which helps us know which insurers keep their promises. If insurers stop keeping their promises, then we stop using them. All our insurance companies have proven records of accomplishment of delivering on their promises. That means they pay their claims promptly and with minimum problems.
Our staff is licensed and trained. We believe that having a team that is licensed and trained is the best way to deliver on our promises. We promise to take the time to understand your needs and be transparent in all our dealings with our customers. We may not be perfect, but we will always work hard to make sure your needs are our number one priority.
We find the right personal insurance coverage for your needs. We can provide personal insurance options that fit your individual needs. That may mean a personal umbrella for added protection, competitive coverage for a vacation home, life insurance, disability insurance, or even mortgage protection coverage. It may also mean we advise you to increase your deductibles on older vehicles. If you have a custom home, we would recommend adding the feature to your homeowner’s insurance that is designed to provide the needed replacement coverage in the event of a loss.
You may need special personal insurance coverage. There are many special or unique kinds of personal insurance coverages that you may require. These can include identity theft, coverage for fine arts, guns, and other collectibles, plus others. If you are traveling to a foreign country, you may need special health insurance or trip cancelation coverage. All these safeguards are part of how we try to keep our promise to you.
We provide only the personal insurance you need. We can provide the necessary personal insurance coverage and limits; we will not try to sell you something you do not need. If you are a young family, we might recommend term life insurance, but if you are in your later years, term life insurance might not be your best option. If you are a high net-worth individual, we are going to recommend at least a $1,000,000 personal umbrella policy to protect you and your family. These policies can often include coverage for reputation management services and defense services, which are part of the policy.
We would rather teach than sell. Our office is located where you live and work. We love to meet with our clients and educate them on what kind of individualized personal lines insurance is best for them. We do not use call centers; we have licensed professionals ready to serve you. Our team is here to help you along every step of the way from designing a competitively priced personal insurance program, to helping you settle a claim.
We use our experience and knowledge to help you with all your personal insurance needs by presenting you with the best possible combination of coverage, price, and service. Our promise is to help you understand your personal risks, provide you with competitive options, and be there for you when you have a claim. We will respond to your requests promptly and look out after your interests first.