Human Resources For Todays Agency
There is no doubt that employers have many HR issue to work through. Increased awareness among employees, litigation, and governmental regulations have all impacted how employers and employees interact. We wanted to find out what the top issues are facing employers today, so we talked to a few employers to determine what they are dealing with. Here is what they told us:
- Attracting and retaining top talent- most employers tell us that even with the recent economic downturn; it is a challenge to find the right person for the job and then keeping the good ones.
Suggested action- Use more than one source for recruitment. Ask employees to provide referrals, and then offer an incentive program. Finding creative ways to reward employees like additional time off, small rewards in the form of gift cards, and participation in organizational decisions can help employees feel more connected to your firm. Engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their companies than disengaged employees.
- Keeping up with all the legal issues and requirements- Employers need help unwinding some of that red tape!
Suggested action- Hire an experienced firm to help you understand these issues. Especially, if you are a small company, using a professional service firm can add real value and keep you out of court. Make sure you have Employment Practices Liability Insurance. This insurance will help you through most litigation with employees or other third parties.
- Healthcare Reform and Small Businesses- There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding health care reform for small businesses. Small business owners need to prepare for the upcoming changes and make decisions that are best for their business.
Suggested action- Hire a qualified insurance broker to help you manage and understand all the issues. It should not actually cost you anything as the broker is paid by commissions.
- To Social Network or Not- Should companies use social media as part of their marketing program? The short answer is “yes”.
Suggested action- The challenge for small business is, “Where do we start?” We suggest you get a feel for the audience who are using these platforms and choose the platform which best describes your primary customer. There are marketing firms that are very knowledgeable about social media, and usually for a small fee can help you get started.